About Me

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I live and write out of Victoria, Canada. I've been writing consistently since 2018, mostly dark humour, autobiographical or speculative short fiction, after working many years as the teacher at a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. Over eighty stories have been published in literary and other magazines and webzines, mostly in the U.K., U. S. A., and Canada. Links to my music videos are included on the blog.

Literary Magazine and Webzine Publications 2020

1.  "For Saxon (And Josh)" published in "Spadina Literary Review," February 2020 edition. https://www.spadinaliteraryreview.com/SR35-Fic-11.html

2.  "An Investigation Into The Disappearance of Kyle Amito," published in "Literally Stories Magazine," January 27, 2020 https://literallystories2014.com/2020/01/27/my-investigation-into-the-disappearance-of-kyle-amito-by-harrison-kim/

3.  "In The World of Edges," published at "Fiction on the Web U. K."  January 30, 2020.

4. "Anxiety Attack," published in Hobart Pulp Magazine February 20th edition

5.  "Under The Burning Nebula," published at "The Horror Zine," March 2020 print edition.
"Under The Burning Nebula," published at "The Horror Zine" March 2020 online edition.

6.  "In The Land of The Gauls," published at "Bewildering Stories Magazine" March 9th 2020 Issue 847

7.  "Under The Plum Tree," published in "Piker Press," March 9-16 2020 edition

8.  "Her Father's Ghost," published in "Literally Stories Magazine," March 12, 2020

9.  "In The Cypress Hills," published at "Dreamers' Creative Writing Magazine," March 17, 2020

10.  "Encouragement," published in "Storgy Magazine U. K.," March 23, 2020

11.  "Steffiology," published in "Fiction on the Web U. K." March 27, 2020

12.  "A Walk With Ron," published in "Blue Lake Review," April 2020 edition.

13.  "In The Hills of The Okanagan," published in "Literally Stories Magazine U. K.," April 8, 2020

14.  "A Blast With The Barclays," published in "The Piker Press 18th Birthday Edition," April 20, 2020.

15.  "The Soul Lift Blues," published in "Commuter Lit Magazine,"  April 28, 2020

16.  "The Straight Road South," published by "Literally Stories U. K.," May 4, 2020

17.  "The Face On The Cliff" published by "Every Day Fiction," May 8, 2020

18.  "The Spiral Tunnel," published by "Fiction On The Web U. K.," May 25, 2020

19.  "The Boy With The Keys," published in "Storgy Magazine," June 1, 2020

20.  "In The Black Rock Canyon" published in "Island Writer," Volume 18, Issue 1, Summer 2020.
(Print Copy Only).

21.  "Crisis Line" published in "Literally Stories U. K.," June 12, 2020.

22.  "A Fantasy Life" published in "The Blue Nib" literary magazine, June 13, 2020

23.  "Just Inside The Frame," published in "Bewildering Stories #860,  June 15, 2020.

24.  "Rocking In The Meaning of The World," published at "Literally Stories U. K.,"  June 18, 2020

25.  "The Vengeance of His Evil," published in "Siren's Call Ezine," July 2020 edition, Pages 234-236.

26.  "The Line Man's Last Drive," published at "Literally Stories U. K." short story magazine, July 22, 2020.

27.  "Above Renniker Falls," published at "The Blue Nib" literary magazine, July 26, 2020.

28.  "Bobby Doesn't Like Me," published in "Piker Press," July 27, 2020

29.  "By Lake Lacustrine," published at "The Blue Lake Review," August 2020 edition.

30.  Short author interview in "Literally Stories" magazine re: "Breakfast at the Hospital For the Criminally Insane" and other stories, August 9th, 2020. 

31.  "Limits," published at "Every Day Fiction" magazine  August 13, 2020.

32.  "Astral Sex," published at "Fiction On The Web U. K."  August 14, 2020

33.  "Child At The Edge of the Wilderness," published at "Literally Stories Magazine," August 20, 2020

34.  "Tell Us About Lynda," published at "Spadina Literary Review," September 2020 edition
Story nominated by The Spadina Literary Review for the "Pushcart Prize," October 21, 2020.

35.  "In The Land of The Rain Gnomes," published at "Fiction On The Web U. K.," September 11, 2020

36.  "This One's For Munro," published at "Ariel Chart International," September 13, 2020 

37.  "The Ghosts Behind Me," published at "The Horror Zine," Editor's choice, October Edition, 2020

38.  "East of Durango," published in "Me First Magazine," October 7, 2020.

39.  "The Purpose of Screaming," published at "Literally Stories Magazine," U. K., October 8, 2020.

40. "Days of Santeria," published at "Storgy Literary Magazine," U. K.  November 9, 2020  

41.  "Good Hair Days," published at "Bewildering Stories Magazine, Issue 879,"  November 9, 2020

42. "Drinkin' and Hurtin', a Tale of The Northern Rhythm Band, published in "The Piker Press," December 7, 2020

43. "Solstice In The City," published in "Bewildering Stories Magazine," Issue 884, December 14, 2020.

Literary Magazine and Webzine Publications 2020

1.  "For Saxon (And Josh)" published in "Spadina Literary Review," February 2020 edition. https://www.spadinaliteraryrev...