1. "When I Lay My Goodness Down," published at "Bewildering Stories Magazine," (USA), Issue 1076, January 20, 2025.
Publications and Music
1. "On The Advice of the Bicycle Man," short story published in "Dreamers' Creative Writing Magazine," (Canada) Feb. 04, 2024.
2. "Connor Walks The Musqueam," short story published in "Literally Stories Magazine," (U.K.) Feb. 05, 2024.
3. "Sunday Whoever," a short fun interview with Harrison Kim, published in "Literally Stories Magazine," (U.K.) Feb. 11, 2024.
4. "In The Presence of Aramanius," short horror story published in "Pen of the Damned," (U. S. A.) March 20, 2024.
4.5 "The Concubus of The Palms," short horror story published in "Pen of the Damned,' (U. S. A.), June 26, 2024.
4.6 "You Have Always Been Nothing," a short horror story published in "Pen of The Damned, (U. S. A.) September 25, 2024.
4.7 "The Screaming Pool," a short horror story published in "Pen of the Damned," (U. S. A.) December 25, 2024
5. "The King of The Walk," short story published in the April/May edition of "Spank The Carp" literary magazine out of the U. S. A.
6. "Miss Teen Chemainus," short story published in "Literally Stories Magazine, (U. K.), May 7, 2024.
7. "In The Presence of the Lost," a short story published in issue 1046 of "Bewildering Stories," a speculative fiction magazine, (U. S. A.). May 27, 2024.
The story was reprinted in the magazine's second quarterly issue, June 2024, and picked for the 29 best short stories of the year in Bewildering Stories' 2024 review, published December 30, 2024.
8. "This One's For Munro," Winner, Second Place for Creative Non-Fiction, "Royal City Literary Arts Society Writing Contest," June 3, 2024.
9. "The Little Boy," a short story published in "Island Writer" magazine, Volume 23, Issue 1, Summer 2024.
10. "La Cienega Boulevard," a short story published at "Literally Stories" magazine (U. K.), July 4, 2024.
11. "The Boys on The Bridge," a creative non-fiction story published at "The Manifest Station," (USA), July 26, 2024.
12. "What I Will Not Become," a short story published at "Literally Stories" magazine (U.K.), August 20, 2024
13. "The Firebug of Mount Usakam," a short story published in "Blue Lake Review" out of New York State, U. S. A., September 2024 edition.
14. "At Genoa Bay," Third Place Winner, Victoria Writers' Society Creative Non-Fiction Contest, announced September 4, 2024.
15. "The Ăbermensch of Wreck Beach," The Short Story Pick of the Month at "Fiction on the Web U. K." online magazine, published November 18, 2024.
16. "Letting Anna Go," a short story published in Bull Literary Magazine, (U. S. A.), December 2, 2024.
17. "Leon's Magic Love," a short story published in "Literally Stories Magazine," (U. K.), December 4, 2024.
18. "At Genoa Bay," a short story published in "Island Writer Magazine," out of Victoria, Canada, Volume 24, Issue 2, Winter 2024.
1. "The Squirrel Faced Man," a poem published in "Bewildering Stories Magazine," Issue 979, January 3, 2023.
2. "The Toxic Ones,"short story published in "Hotch Potch Literary Magazine," Volume 1 Issue 2, pages 85-95, January 16, 2023.
3. "Above Renniker Falls," short story published at "Fiction on The Web U. K.," January 27, 2023.
4. "The Squid Man," short piece published in "Pen of the Damned" Damned Words 52, Feb. 08, 2023.
5. "The Entrepreneur of Chaos,"short story published by "Literally Stories U. K.," Feb. 22, 2023.
6. "West of Alberta," Fiction, First Place Winner, Word on The Lake Writers' Festival Contest, published in the Word On The Lake Anthology, "The Howling of Memory," May 2023.
7. "Beyond The Tunnel of Light," short story published in "The Horror Zine, April 2023 edition."
8. "In The Land of The Salamander," short story published by "Literally Stories U. K.," May 2, 2023.
9. "Stairwell of the Liquid Souls," short piece published in "Pen of the Damned, Damned Words 54," May 3, 2023.
10. "Chess With Al and Ray," Fiction, Honourable Mention Winner, Royal City Writers' "Write-On" Contest. Published in the Royal City Writers' Summer 2023 E-Zine. https://rclasonline.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/summer-2023-ezine-issue-99-1.pdf
11. "What Cody Remembers," short fiction long listed for the 2023 Hummingbird Flash Fiction Prize, July 5, 2023.
12. "By The Beautiful Pond," short story published in "Literally Stories Magazine, U.K.," July 14, 2023.
13. "I Could Have Done Anything," short poem published in "Bewildering Stories Issue 1005," July 17, 2023.
14. "The Coming of the Anthrops," short story published in "Bewildering Stories Issue 1012," September 4, 2023, also reprinted in the Third Quarterly Review, Bewildering Stories, Editors Choice.
15. "Days of The Pink Pills," First Place Winner, Victoria Writers' Society Creative Non-Fiction Contest, September 6, 2023.
16. "Don't Mess With Me," short story published in "Literally Stories U. K.," September 14, 2023.
17. "The Windega," short story published in "Commuter Lit Magazine," November 6, 2023
18. "The Bicycle Man of Carlin Hill," short story published in "Literally Stories U. K.," November 28, 2023.
19. "Days of The Pink Pills," short story published in "Island Writer Magazine," Volume 22, Issue 2, Winter 2023.
2. "Have Mercy On The Little Snakes", published in "The Chamber Magazine," January 14, 2022 edition.
3. "A Cult of Two," A Memoir of Mexico, Chapters One through Eight, published in "Bewildering Stories Magazine," Issue 934, 935, and 936, January 17, 2022 - January 31, 2022.
http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue934/cult_two1.html1. "Not Criminally Responsible," published in "Literally Stories U. K.," January 4. 2021 https://literallystories2014.com/2021/01/04/not-criminally-responsible-by-harrison-kim
2. "The Tale of Yacaa and Chenoo," published in "The Cabinet of Heed," January 2021 Edition https://cabinetofheed.com/2021/01/02/the-tale-of-yacaa-and-chenoo-harrison-kim/
3. "The Girl By The Lake," published in "Adelaide Literary Magazine," January 2021 Edition https://adelaidemagazine.org/2021/01/09/the-girl-by-the-lake-by-kim-harrison/
4. "Steffiology," published in "Commuter Lit Magazine," January 20, 2021 http://commuterlit.com/2021/01/wednesday-steffiology/
5. "A Tour In My Wilderness," published in "Bewildering Stories, Issue 890, February 8, 2021. http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue890/tour_wilderness.html
6. "The Voice of Souris," published in "The Horror Zine Magazine," Spring Edition 2021 (Print Edition). https://www.amazon.com/Horror-Zine-Magazine-Spring-2021/dp/1736637606/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+horror+zine+spring+2021&qid=1612961522&sr=8-1
"The Voice of Souris," published in "The Horror Zine Online Magazine," March 2021 https://www.thehorrorzine.com/Fiction/March2021/HarrisonKim/HarrisonKim.html
7. "My Plea for Solitude," published in "Literally Stories" Magazine, March 3, 2021 https://literallystories2014.com/2021/03/03/my-plea-for-solitude-by-harrison-kim/
8. A short interview for "Literally Stories" magazine, (U. K.), and the re-publication of the story "Hills of the Okanagan," published March 21, 2021. https://literallystories2014.com/2021/03/21/literally-reruns-in-the-hills-of-okanagan-by-harrison-kim/
9. "The Conscience Test" published in "Literary Stories" magazine, (U. K.) April 21, 2021. https://literallystories2014.com/2021/04/21/the-conscience-test-by-harrison-kim/
10. "The MacKenzie Days," a memoir published at "Bewildering Stories" magazine, Issue 901, May 3, 2021. http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue901/mackenzie_days1.html
11. "Telling The Truth," published in "Commuter Lit" Magazine, May 12, 2021 https://commuterlit.com/2021/05/wednesday-telling-the-truth/11
12. "Notes From Highway 55," published in "CafeLit Magazine U. K." May 13, 2021 https://www.cafelitmag61-6azine.uk/2021/05/notes-from-highway-55.html
13. "Grandmother's Rings" published in "Island Writer" magazine, Volume 19, Issue 1, Summer 2021, (Print Edition).
14. "A Midnight In August," published in "October Hill" magazine, Volume 5, Issue 2, Summer 2021, pages 61-64 https://www.octoberhillmagazine.com/archives
15. "Six Months In A Hammock," First Place for Non-Fiction, Victoria Writers' Society Contest 2021.
"Kids Of The Free Range," Honourable Mention for Fiction, Victoria Writers' Society Contest 2021.
Both published in "Island Writer" Magazine, Volume 19, Issue 2, Winter 2021.
16. "In The Land of The Wooden Molar," published in "Spank The Carp" magazine, Issue 65, October 2021. http://www.spankthecarp.com/issue65_hkim.html
17. "To Thine Own Self Be True," published in "The Blue Lake Review," November 2021 edition. https://bluelakereview.weebly.com/to-thine-own-self-be-true.html
18. "The Sater Wars," published at "Fiction On The Web U. K.," November 5, 2021. https://www.fictionontheweb.co.uk/2021/11/the-sater-wars-by-harrison-kim.html
19. "Open Tuning," published in "The Chamber Magazine," December 17, 2021.
1. "For Saxon (And Josh)" published in "Spadina Literary Review," February 2020 edition. https://www.spadinaliteraryrev...