About Me

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I live and write out of Victoria, Canada. I've been writing consistently since 2018, mostly dark humour, autobiographical or speculative short fiction, after working many years as the teacher at a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. Over eighty stories have been published in literary and other magazines and webzines, mostly in the U.K., U. S. A., and Canada. Links to my music videos are included on the blog.

Literary Magazine and Webzine Publications 2021

 1.  "Not Criminally Responsible," published in "Literally Stories U. K.," January 4. 2021 https://literallystories2014.com/2021/01/04/not-criminally-responsible-by-harrison-kim

2. "The Tale of Yacaa and Chenoo," published in "The Cabinet of Heed," January 2021 Edition https://cabinetofheed.com/2021/01/02/the-tale-of-yacaa-and-chenoo-harrison-kim/

3. "The Girl By The Lake," published in "Adelaide Literary Magazine," January 2021 Edition https://adelaidemagazine.org/2021/01/09/the-girl-by-the-lake-by-kim-harrison/

4.  "Steffiology," published in "Commuter Lit Magazine," January 20, 2021 http://commuterlit.com/2021/01/wednesday-steffiology/

5.  "A Tour In My Wilderness," published in "Bewildering Stories, Issue 890, February 8, 2021. http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue890/tour_wilderness.html

6.  "The Voice of Souris," published in "The Horror Zine Magazine," Spring Edition 2021 (Print Edition). https://www.amazon.com/Horror-Zine-Magazine-Spring-2021/dp/1736637606/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+horror+zine+spring+2021&qid=1612961522&sr=8-1

"The Voice of Souris," published in "The Horror Zine Online Magazine," March 2021  https://www.thehorrorzine.com/Fiction/March2021/HarrisonKim/HarrisonKim.html

7.  "My Plea for Solitude," published in "Literally Stories" Magazine, March 3, 2021 https://literallystories2014.com/2021/03/03/my-plea-for-solitude-by-harrison-kim/

8.  A short interview for "Literally Stories" magazine, (U. K.), and the re-publication of the story "Hills of the Okanagan," published March 21, 2021.  https://literallystories2014.com/2021/03/21/literally-reruns-in-the-hills-of-okanagan-by-harrison-kim/

9.  "The Conscience Test" published in "Literary Stories" magazine, (U. K.) April 21, 2021. https://literallystories2014.com/2021/04/21/the-conscience-test-by-harrison-kim/

10.  "The MacKenzie Days," a memoir published at "Bewildering Stories" magazine, Issue 901, May 3, 2021.  http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue901/mackenzie_days1.html

11.  "Telling The Truth," published in "Commuter Lit" Magazine, May 12, 2021 https://commuterlit.com/2021/05/wednesday-telling-the-truth/11 

12.  "Notes From Highway 55," published in "CafeLit Magazine U. K."  May 13, 2021 https://www.cafelitmag61-6azine.uk/2021/05/notes-from-highway-55.html

13. "Grandmother's Rings" published in "Island Writer" magazine, Volume 19, Issue 1, Summer 2021, (Print Edition).

14. "A Midnight In August," published in "October Hill" magazine, Volume 5, Issue 2, Summer 2021, pages 61-64  https://www.octoberhillmagazine.com/archives

15.  "Six Months In A Hammock," First Place for Non-Fiction, Victoria Writers' Society Contest 2021.

       "Kids Of The Free Range," Honourable Mention for Fiction, Victoria Writers' Society Contest 2021.

Both published in "Island Writer" Magazine,  Volume 19, Issue 2, Winter 2021.

16. "In The Land of The Wooden Molar," published in "Spank The Carp" magazine, Issue 65, October 2021.  http://www.spankthecarp.com/issue65_hkim.html

17. "To Thine Own Self Be True," published in "The Blue Lake Review," November 2021 edition. https://bluelakereview.weebly.com/to-thine-own-self-be-true.html

18.  "The Sater Wars," published at "Fiction On The Web U. K.," November 5, 2021. https://www.fictionontheweb.co.uk/2021/11/the-sater-wars-by-harrison-kim.html

19. "Open Tuning," published in "The Chamber Magazine,"  December 17, 2021.


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Literary Magazine and Webzine Publications 2020

1.  "For Saxon (And Josh)" published in "Spadina Literary Review," February 2020 edition. https://www.spadinaliteraryrev...